Newspaper Styles


This table compares and contrasts two different newspapers. Try the same exercise yourself with two other papers, using the same headings.

Collect examples of your own to support or contradict the findings of the table.

Are there any other headings you would use?


 The Guardian

 Daily Mirror
Topics  social, political, economic issues  about specific people and their lives
 Treatment  serious but with some intelligent humour  popular, though sometimes sensational
 Headlines  small size, long length; many words eg "Freedom for Britons held by guerrillas"  large size, short length; plentiful use of exclamation marks eg "Freed!"
 Present Tense  often uses present continuous "-ing" eg "5,000 car workers facing loss of jobs"  often omits verbs eg "5000 lost jobs"
 Descriptions  names often come first, description afterwards eg "Jim Collins, a 24-year-old from Barnsley"  descriptions often come first with the name afterwards eg "34-year-old mother of three Leanne ..."
 Names  formal, eg "Blair" in headlines, "The Prime Minister" or "Mr Blair" elsewhere  sometimes familiar eg "Tony" or "Premier Tony Blair" elsewhere
 Vocabulary  formal, words quite long, sentences complex, higher reading level  familiar, words quite short, sentences often simple, usually one sentence per paragraph, common use of cliché and jargon eg "horror", "rap", "probe", "row", "cut"

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